Pros -
- Can expand your realm, your knowledge base, and your contacts (business or otherwise). Talk about information central -news rockets through these communities - regardless of the type of news, world shaking, celebs, or couch snoozing.
- Meet, greet and date! Carefull!
- Promo events, business, or talents - FREE - and free is a BIG deal. I know many people who have MySpace/Twitter etc. accounts just to advertise their insert project/event/ business/talent/band/video here. The numbers of people reached is exponential, (read gargantuan huge). Touch vastly more people, FREE, that's better than any other medium around, bar none.
- ADDICTIVE - That's what keeps the sites going. I have seen people in a withdrawl frenzy if they think they can't get to a computer to check their MySpace etc. Devotees are die hard faithful.
- Do I really want to know that you just ate a doughnut or sneezed all over your cat?? Do I care? It is full of life's minutia, a mass of useless trivia.
Once again one must sift and sort to suit yourself.
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