Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week #8 Library 2.0

I am surprised you did not mention the library's Texting programs, alerts and questions like Qline. This is very 2.o! Interactive information - that's what it's all about right?
  • Downloadable ebooks
  • Online Tumblebooks
  • Downloadable TV shows
  • Online account access
  • Online database access
  • Online searchable catalogue
  • Virtual classes
  • Opinion Surveys
  • But WAIT - There's More!!

OCLS has done a great job in keeping up with the technology curve. As a Techy I'm impressed, and that's saying something.

BTW - Can't wait to create and order a book from Flickr or Shutterfly for that impossible person on my Xmas list. Flickr has a downloadable software (Blurb Booksmart) that you can have full editing capabilities, Fantastic!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week #7 Web 2.0 continues...

OK, taking the sites from the top down:
(Strictly my opinion.)
  • Farecast, Love it-Love to travel. Searches other travel sites (orbitz, expedia, etc.) and compares them. Much like Dogpile searches 12 other search engines for info.
  • Kayak, used it before. They have improved it. It's much better now. Equivalent to Farecast.
  • Rentometer, no value for me. Good if you want to find cheaper rent or see if you're over Paying.
  • Zillow, Great real estate site and easier than most of the actual realty sites.
  • The 61, will be hiiting this more at home for music.
  • Pan Images, no real value. Basicly searching google and flickr. I can do that myself.
  • Upcoming, events from the grand to the minor.
  • OCLS texting, it costs me extra to text. won't be using this.
  • Im Cooked, Interesting, but I'd rather have the recipe. Good if you need the technique or have no clue on how to's.
  • Big Brother - Utube, ok

Week #6 R&R

:) me, taking a break

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week #5 Change = Adapt or Die

(I love Darwin!)
I think the USB bracelet is awesome and a great marketing tool, not to mention ideally convenient portability! Movie magnates are finally getting wise offering downloadable movies. Look at huge Net Flix among others. It won't stop pirating, but it will help. As the technology develops it will also be the wise organization that stays on top of that cutting edge and offers inovative ways of using it/IT.

Darwin aside, the old business addage says - the company that is not growing or is stagnate is, or will begin soon, to die.

Week #4 Open Source is IT! (Pun intended)

I have been watching the Open Source Code/ Freeware/ Shareware wave for more than 10 years!

Here is acouple sites about CopyLeft rules, implementation, and use. CopyLeft seeks to KEEP open sourceware - open - and prevent anyone from locking it in. GNU = Lesser General Public License

Open source code and "copyleft" vs. copyright is the natural solution for software. Freeware and Shareware have been around for a loooong time. I expect it to expand exponentially from here on, especially with successes such as Linux OS, "OpenOffice" by Sun Microsystems, and many other large and small programs.

With the increase in masses of information, music, movies, pictures, art work, ad infinte item, it is going to be more and more difficult to "lock down" all those forms of creativity. It is natural for all these areas to follow the the freeware/shareware/pay-per-use concept including books, and music. Witness and and sites that let you buy a song for 99 cents. Watch it grow!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week #3 Health, Workout, & Weightloss - Oh My!

Well, this is depressing. Back to the ol' workout video. It worked for me before, can't afford the Wii or a gym. At least I have better information now and goals. My max heart rate is 171. According to the BMI I am at the upper limit of "Overweight" and need to loose 31 pounds to be at the upper limit of "Normal".
Need to loose 50 pounds to get to an average weight for my height and frame.
Double Ouch!!
I like the 10,000 step plan, that is do-able. I don't like music for outdoor workouts (walking, gardening, etc.), but do for indoors. The boring factor is definitely my problem for sticking with it. Got plenty of ideas from the lesson tho. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week #1-2 Learn 2.1 - Once more around the block

Week 1 & 2- Learn 2.1 OCLS Lessons
Here we go, once more around the block and don't spare the horses!
Review, review.