Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Google Docs or ZoHo

To online Doc or not to online Doc? Both of these sites look great to me! Best yet, once again, they are FREE! Road Warrior Alert! -They are especially great if you travel. Also an easy way to save to PDF if you don't have Adobe Acrobat Writer.

For my exploring friends these are online document sharing/storing sites. You can upload, create, share, print, save to PDF, and access them from anywhere you can get to the internet including your media capable phone. Try them out. If you have a Google account you can also logon to Zoho.


Search vs Navigation

A direct hit, a direct hit, my kingdom for a direct hit!
What do you REALLY want a search engine for? To find information the quickest way possible. I have used many. Some are far and away better than others. Also, be aware that some are topic specific, www.dictionary.com and www.quote.com for instance. The first is just what it sounds like, an online dictionary offering several dictionary versions of the word or phrase searched. The second is for stock quotes and futures. There are others of course.

My results for these sites from the lesson. I searched for "paralegal certification form florida" knowing it is usually a hard to find item.:


Mobile Web / Apps

Aaah the rush of iPhone and use of the internet on phones. Many phones offer this capability now not just iPhone and PDAs have been around for some time. My last 2 bosses twice removed were road warriors. As such, they had every mobile device known to man at the time (mid-90s to 2004). The PDA was very nice with mini apps for Word, Excel and Outlook and docs could be emailed or downloaded to the desktop or laptop. The new versions are basically a PDA/ mobile phone cross with more screen real estate. It is obviously the continued future wave constantly going more mobile and more internet access.

The "GOTCHA" here is the cost for connectivity. One has to have media added or "bundled" into their package of phone options or pay per use by the kilobyte downloaded. This can get pricey $$. Mine happens to be extra/ per use. Needless to say, I don't use it much. When I have used it, it is convenient, but the screen is small requiring me to put my glasses back on to peer at my screen. (Dating myself here.)

If you are curious as to how it looks before diving in, go to this Emulator posted on our learn lessons and try it out. Put in a web site to see how it would look on mobile device (phone etc.)
http://instantmobilizer.com/test-your-site.htm The on screen mobile can be clicked on just like the real thing.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Social Networking...?

MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, all means of "Social Networking".
Pros -
  • Can expand your realm, your knowledge base, and your contacts (business or otherwise). Talk about information central -news rockets through these communities - regardless of the type of news, world shaking, celebs, or couch snoozing.
  • Meet, greet and date! Carefull!
  • Promo events, business, or talents - FREE - and free is a BIG deal. I know many people who have MySpace/Twitter etc. accounts just to advertise their insert project/event/ business/talent/band/video here. The numbers of people reached is exponential, (read gargantuan huge). Touch vastly more people, FREE, that's better than any other medium around, bar none.
Cons -
  • ADDICTIVE - That's what keeps the sites going. I have seen people in a withdrawl frenzy if they think they can't get to a computer to check their MySpace etc. Devotees are die hard faithful.
  • Do I really want to know that you just ate a doughnut or sneezed all over your cat?? Do I care? It is full of life's minutia, a mass of useless trivia.

Once again one must sift and sort to suit yourself.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week #1 Get a Life! Virtual or Real?

2nd Life is an interesting concept. I've seen it. It can be fun flying around from place to place participating in a virtual world, being whoever you want to be in an imaginary land. Wait a minute, wasn't that done in Peter Pan? It is, undeniably, a new market to tap to reach those addicted to this virtual world and another segment of the population. It is also an opportunity to create a virtual store front to disseminate information. Just look at the last election, with the large Obama presence in Second Life. Only time will tell if it is a flash in the pan or something that will last and develop.

The thing is, there is so much in the REAL world to see, do, and feel. Why limit myself to 2D (pseudo 3D). I can take a virtual vacation with Google Earth and 2nd life etc, but that does not compare to the experience of really going places and the people you meet, things that happen, sights, sounds, language, smells, tastes, feelings. There are many senses left unexperienced in a virtual world. Seeing pictures (even 3D) of the Eiffel Tower is much different than actually touching it, riding up to the top, eating dinner there, and taking in the view. (Which I've done.) After a long day at the computer - There's just something to be said for taking a hike, parking yourself by a cool pond, leaning against a tree, and enjoying the outdoors.

Techno - Learn 2.5

Starting the new round of techno-info. I'll be posting my observations as we go through the lessons.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week #10 The Dark Side

Come on over to the Dark Side...It'll be a Hoot!
Actually being hit by maleware is no fun. A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless and is banned from EVER touching my computer again) went to a bogus site. A blizzard of popups hit the screen and malware attacked my computer.

IF this should ever happen to you, IMMEDIATELY yank the ethernet plug from your modem if you are hardwired. If you are running wireless, disconnect the connection - FAST! This will stop more damaging software from downloading and you can then start the lengthy clean up process.

Unfortunately, I was not home at the time. When I did get home my screen still had popups running rampant and so was the malware. Really loooong story short. I have new spyware. After many days of clean up and repair, damage has been so extensive to windows that I'm going to have to rescue my files, reformat my hard drive, and start over. Nuf said!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Week #9 Lifelong Learning

If you are not learning and growing you are stagnating and die-ing.
I am a firm believer in learning throughout your life either formally or just for your own pleasure and knowledge. Learning is enriching. It keeps your mind functioning and making new paths. Keep old-timers at bay - learn something new every day, no matter how small.

Many useful links here. eCollege may be the way to my MLS! I'm all over the Wikiversity too. The others are below - again STRICTLY my opinion.
  • LifeHacker is right up my alley.
  • Positivity Blog - ehh ok.
  • Business Balls - might have some use for this.
  • Berklee Music Lessons - YES! just what I've needed.
  • Nikon Photo School - not for me.
  • Cnet Digital Home DIY -might have some use to me.
  • Instructables - definitely a keeper. Lots of interesting how to's here.
  • eHow - similar to How Stuff Works
  • Expert Village - might have some use to me. Video is good.
  • Extropia - Definitely usful to a techy like me!
  • How Stuff Works - been using it for years! Great site!
  • 5 Minute Lifopedia - Not sure, kind of amaturish, but might have some useful posts.