Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mobile Web / Apps

Aaah the rush of iPhone and use of the internet on phones. Many phones offer this capability now not just iPhone and PDAs have been around for some time. My last 2 bosses twice removed were road warriors. As such, they had every mobile device known to man at the time (mid-90s to 2004). The PDA was very nice with mini apps for Word, Excel and Outlook and docs could be emailed or downloaded to the desktop or laptop. The new versions are basically a PDA/ mobile phone cross with more screen real estate. It is obviously the continued future wave constantly going more mobile and more internet access.

The "GOTCHA" here is the cost for connectivity. One has to have media added or "bundled" into their package of phone options or pay per use by the kilobyte downloaded. This can get pricey $$. Mine happens to be extra/ per use. Needless to say, I don't use it much. When I have used it, it is convenient, but the screen is small requiring me to put my glasses back on to peer at my screen. (Dating myself here.)

If you are curious as to how it looks before diving in, go to this Emulator posted on our learn lessons and try it out. Put in a web site to see how it would look on mobile device (phone etc.)
http://instantmobilizer.com/test-your-site.htm The on screen mobile can be clicked on just like the real thing.

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